Monday 4 July 2011

Retro Videogaming: Binatone TV Master Mk6.

THIS VIDEOGAMING LIFE: The day after the day before.

Life is about event moments. Moments that change your life from what it was before to what it will be after. Christmas 1977 was a pretty big one for me. The event happened about 7am on Christmas morning. A wrapped present unwrapped and after the revelation that it let you play games on your television (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and the world pretty much turned on its head. My life in videogames had begun, and it was all due to the Binatone TV Master Mk6 and a game called Pong.

I remember it came with a light gun where in one game you had to shoot white blocks criss crossing the screen in various devious paths - up, down, left and right. This was amazing. I think me and my mates wore this thing out. I still have it up in the loft. It probably still works I guess. Will never get rid of it. It's funny how a lot of my life revolved around the geek stuff I was bought or bought myself. But this was the defining moment. The before and after. It wasn't until 1982, when I bought the ZX Spectrum, did things get really insane...

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